2023 WUSTEEL Team Building Event in Jeju Island, South Korea

走“韩”观潮  同舟共“济

— 记2023年度上海午钢韩国济州岛团建活动

2023 WUSTEEL Team Building Event in Jeju Island, South Korea


September in the golden autumn is a good time for team building and this natural gift is worth cherishing. Therefore, under the leadership of General Manager Mr.Wu, WUSTEEL carried out a four-day (September 14, 2023 – September 17, 2023) team building theme activity. Let’s meet in Korea, relax and have a good time.

Part1 童心未泯,岁月不老


Part1 Childlike innocence is still alive

Half a day has passed since the first day of arriving in Jeju. In the afternoon, we chose to visit Jeju Shinhwa Land near the hotel. “Childlike nature remains when we laugh at ourselves in front of the flowers, and even more so when we are surrounded by children and horses.” In the bustling paradise, we also have a spark of collision with our childhood memories. Because we believe that maintaining childlike innocence can make us happier, make everything we encounter sweeter, and make us more creative at work.

Part 2 海岛漫步,远望白帆


Part 2 Walking on the island and looking at the white sails in the distance

On the second day of the trip, we came to Udo, the most representative island in Jeju, to see the vast blue ocean and step on the ever-lasting warm gravel. It was definitely a happy moment in life. In the evening, we even felt the beautiful scenery of “the setting clouds and the solitary swans flying together; the autumn water and the sky are the same color”.

Part3 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎


Part3 It’s such a joy to have friends come from far away

On the second night of the trip, we received warm hospitality from friends who came from Busan. Not only did our taste enjoy a delicious meal, but we also learned more about Korean culture during the conversation, which was no less than a spiritual journey.

Part4 雨中徒步,登高望远


Part4 Hiking in the rain

On the third day of the trip, we met with our Korean friends to visit Halla Mountain, the highest mountain in Korea. Climbing a mountain in the rain has a unique artistic conception. Only by tempering and introspecting all the time in life can we increase our knowledge. Only by climbing high and looking far into the distance can we realize how vast the world is.

Part5 启程返航,精彩待续


Part5 Departure for home, wonderful to continue

On the last day of the trip, after experiencing the excitement of real guns, we boarded the plane back to Shanghai in the afternoon. A total of 4-day trip, in addition to the above, there are also bowling, KTV and other activities arranged. There are not only physical fitness activities arranged, but also a spiritual sublimation experience. It allowed us to see a more colorful world and be influenced by more cultures. It was a worthwhile trip!

The trip ended successfully!